District 2 Executive

District Administrator Assistant D.A.
Jim Dean
1821 Gilbert Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K2C 1A5
(613) 794-5134 (Cell)
Meet the D.A.
Glen Bradley
2128 Queensgrove Rd.
Ottawa, ON, K2A 1P7
(613) 725-1091 (Home)
Treasurer District Umpire Consultant
Bruce Campbell
140 Meadowlands Drive East
Nepean, ON, K2G 2S4
(613) 862-5277 (Cell)
Mark Bradley
(343) 997-1483 (Cell)
Secretary Webmaster
Position Open Ken Allen and Jim Dean

League Presidents

East Nepean Little LeagueKanata Little League
Bruce Campbell
140 Meadowlands Drive East
Nepean, ON, K2G 2S4
(613) 862-5277 (Cell)
Sandi Roberston
P.O. Box 24056, Hazeldean RPO
Kanata, ON, K2M 2C3
(613) xxx-xxxx
Ottawa West Little League
Sarah Futterer
P.O. Box 23075, 2148 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K2A 4E2

Last updated: 17-Apr-2024 13:05:28